Catch a Glimpse At What We Can Do!

Our Proven System

Using our industry leading CRM we support our clients to execute their campaigns.

Locate the right homeowners

We have all of the real estate across the united states. Do you want to target specific neighborhoods? we got you. Feeling like going after larger homes, with larger roofs, in affluent area of the city? No problem. Use our proprietary technology tools to find the best target for your campaign.

Gather touch points

Using Homescope, you can easily and quickly get emails, phone numbers, social media profiles of homeowners, and demographic information of the homeowners you selected in step 1. With years of data to back it up, omni channel campaigns produce better results than just facebook ads.

Create a funnel

We curate landing pages, ads, and forms to drive contacts into your funnel. Our funnels will guide the lead through the journey and warm them up as they move across the different stages. You will gain access to proven email marketing campaigns, pipelines, and much more. Reaching your target homeowners was never easier!

Launch a campaign

Using appended information and real owner emails and phones, our funnels will make your outreach easy and seamless. Use predefined campaigns, or build custom ones to 10X your leads with less effort.

Automate responses and follow-up

Once the leads are coming in, you need a system in place to convert them into customers. We use automation to do all of that work for you. We will create booking links, automated responses, follow up reminders, and more to make sure you NEVER miss out on a lead.

Measure Success

After going through all the steps, we will provide you with a reporting tool to measure new leads, meeting statuses, conversion rates, and ROI. Every step is systemize so you can replicate the same sales cycle over and over and over.

Our Proven System

Locating the right homeowners

We have all of the real estate across the united states. Do you want to target specific neighborhoods? we got you. Do you want to go after larger homes, with larger roofs, in affluent area of the city? No problem. Use our proprietary technology tools to find the best target for your campaign.

Gathering touch point

Using Homescope, you can easily and quickly get emails, phone numbers, social media profiles of homeowners, and demographic information of the homeowners you selected in step 1. With years of data to back it up, omni channel campaigns produce better results than just facebook ads.

Create a funnel

We curate landing pages, ads, and forms to drive contacts into your funnel. Our funnels will guide the lead through the journey and warm them up as they move across the different stages. You will gain access to proven email marketing campaigns, pipelines designed for solar sales, and much more. reaching your target homeowners was never easier!

Launch a campaign

Using appended information and real owner emails and phones, our funnels will make your outreach easy and seamless. Use predefined campaigns, or build custom ones to 10X your leads with less effort.

Automate responses and follow-ups

Once the leads are coming in, you need a system in place to convert them into customers. We use automation to do all of that work for you. We will create booking links, automated responses, follow up reminders, and more to make sure you NEVER miss out on a lead.

Measuring Success

After going through all the steps, we will provide you with a reporting tool to measure new leads, meeting statuses, conversion rates, and ROI. Every step is systemize so you can replicate the same sales cycle over and over and over.

Our Services

List Making

HomeScope's technology transforms homeowner list compilation, utilizing live real estate data for efficient access to Homeowners. Use filters to find your ideal Homeowners to service.

Email and Phone Appending

HomeScope's Appending service provides direct homeowner contact details, replacing old methods. Access accurate emails and phone, demographic information,save time, and enhance your marketing lists' effectiveness.

Email Marketing

HomeScope's Email Marketing offers streamlined tools for tailored communication. Craft compelling emails effortlessly with AI-generated content, boosting engagement and lead conversion seamlessly.

Best-In-Class CRM

Effortlessly maximize business growth with HomeScope's advanced CRM. Nurture client relationships, automate tasks, and optimize sales funnels for increased productivity and sustainable growth.

Custom Landing Pages

Elevate your business presence with HomeScope's Custom Landing Pages. Craft captivating pages, resonate with your audience, and drive higher conversion rates in optimized digital spaces.